Donnerstag, 19. Sep. 2024 von 20:00 - 22:00 Uhr @ Werkraum Warteck pp
Terra 5
Die Basler Tanzgruppe NNN Dance lädt zur Premiere von Terra 5 ein. Ein Tanzstück über die universalen Rhythmen und Formen die Mensch und Erde verbinden.
TERRA 5 explores the ritual of play; as an intentional devotion to universal rhythms. An ecology of forms and their relationship lays the ground for a voyage, where all tangible matter; earth, concrete and body, is captured in a world within which everything is heard, touched and seen, and no thing is hidden. The existence of the body is awakened by an attraction towards interaction, while the dancers flesh their actions out as a mechanism of survival. Drawn into a vision on an imagined plane; intense emotions are housed in exposure, entanglement, shared sense and bodied longing.
choreography and direction : Maya Matilda Carroll
dance (with and by): Yeonji Han, Charlotte Böttger, Maija Ripatti
original sound: Roy Carroll
costume and lights: Maya Matilda Carroll, NNN Dance production: NNN Dance
Pay what you can: CHF 15.- / CHF 25.- / CHF 35.- Reservation (Basel): [email protected]
Ort: Tanzraum Warteck, Burgweg 7-15, Basel